Chillin Thursday!
Hello to our kitty friends! We are having a relaxing kinda Thursday. Our two legged kitten is STILL napping. Our meowmize is helping us with our bloggie and loaded some new pics up on the com-pue-ter fur us. It's nice to have some quiet time with out the possiblity of being chased by the two legged kitten. meowmize is working on getting her to be nice to us. We'z guess it's going to take some time furz her to learn these fings. Well we'z are off furz now.. the two legged kitten bean is up and running around.
Well it's good to see you and see you chillin!
Sounds like you need a little chillin' after all the running you do from the 2 legged kitten!!
Sounds like you need a little chillin' after all the running you do from the 2 legged kitten!!
Those little two-legged kittens are fast, aren't they?! Glad you got some time to get in some chillin'!
Nice Chillin Thursday which reminds me my rabbit has to visit the vet on Thursday for a Chillin vet care (lol) and a makeover of my lovely rabbit hutch.
Thanks for sharing the wonderful photo of you having such a chillin day. Sometimes you just need to have one of those days to relax and we can't wait to see all the photos that you recently uploaded to the computer. Enjoy your relaxing day.
World of Animals
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