First of all let me say this We are very happy to hears that Mu Shue,Lilly Lue, and Iris are now safe with Mama Laura.
We (I mean meowmzie) is still packing up our house. We will be going to our new home in NC probably the 28 or 29th. We hopez to have some internetz hooked up shortly after movingz there. We will keep our paws crossed fur this.
Snowy: Sia can may I say somefing on the post today? Seeing it is White Wednesday.
Sia: Sure I don't see why'z not.
Snowy: Fankz youz Sia. As youz can see we'z do share our bloggie well, as we do the big comfy bed, hehe. Last Thurzday with my boyfriend Conner Clouds birthday, and I missed it. I feels really badz, and I hopez he fur-gives me. It is actually my meowmzie fault, she was at a doctors appointment, and then didn't come home until 5 Pm'z and didn't check the computerz at all. That and she was packing stuffs again.
Sia: Snowy I finks Conner will understand that you didn't fur-gets his birfhday on purpos.
Snowy: Do you really fink so?
Sia: I really do. maybe after we get moved and seattled in meowmzie will help you do somefing sweet fur him.
Snowy: Fanks Sia, youz are a great lil sisfer. Well, I guess I will go dream of my handsome mancat now. purrss eferyone.
Sia: Well, I gotz to go. i have to let meowmzie know that she has to help Snowy with a lil special project. I don't finks she will mind, hehe. Purrs and snuggels to all of our friendz....Sia