Monday, September 24, 2007

Meezer NFL Monday!

HI eferyonez! First off we would like to sayz we missed visitingz our kitty friendz. Our meowmize got to doing some stuff last weeek, oh and being so tiredz that we didn't get to bloggie to much last week. I would likez to fanks
Maggy & Zoey furz my National Feline League pic-fer. I really finks it is pawsome. I finkz it's even more pawsome that they have wonz two gamez now. I would likez to sayz sorry to any of the Saintz fanz, and Ramz fanz. It'z just nice to seez our team win after being horriblez last yearz. Anywayz....... Taps is doing ok. They took his blood (those Vampirez) saturdayz, and meowmize won't hear anyfingz until today or maybe tomorrowz. He might have to havez a bunch of teethz pulled if his kidneyz and ofher stuffz show that they are goodz. We will letz youz know what the VET says. ofher than that he just doen't likes taking his med-dee-sunz. Well, I havez to go it is stinky goodness time. Purss..Siamia


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, we hopes his blood is good...taking medi-sin is awful and we all fight it. Except fur dat pain stuff in da syrinj, dat was good stuff!

ASTOR CATS said...

We hopes Taps' bloodwurk turn out OK and that he don't have any problems with his kidneys.

Midnite & Stray Kitty

ASTOR CATS said...

We live in northern Lake County - in Astor, FL. We are near Dayton and Ormond Beaches - both about 35 miles away.

Unknown said...

It is nice to have you back!

The Crew said...

Poor Taps. Last time I went to the V.E.T. they stole one of my tooths and never gave it back!


Lux said...

Oh no, not more teeth stuff! I hope Taps doesn't have to have a bunch pulled!

All the moms seem to be really busy these days, including mine - hmpf!

momsbusy said...

taps, i hopes yur tests comes back wif good mews. mommees says i can comes ofer anytime ans snuggle wifs yu until next toesday when she has to go to the bean vet fur sir-ger-ee. then i will hafs to stay home ans take care of things.


Anonymous said...

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