Monday, April 22, 2013

RIP Shania

Helloz everyonez!  This is Siamia mewing here, we apologize for not being on her herz fureverz it seems. Our meowmize and the dadz has been busy with the two legged kitten bean, and workingz. We have been getting plenty of treatz, and luvz. I am mewingz todayz with some very sadz newz. The dadz had to let our woofie Shania pass to the rainbow bridge todayz. She had not been doing well, and it became apparentz to the dadz that she was in pain and needed to go. So it is with heavy pawz and hearts that I brings this. Shania was our red and white huskey woofie, who luved to get into everything foodie wise.I searched throuh meowmize photos and could not find a really nice picfur of herz. 
We hopes all of our blogging kitty friends are all doing well, and hopefully we can getz our meowmize back on a regularz to help us post on our blogging. Till our next mewz....Siamia