Today I had to say goodbye to my furry friend who has been with me since my freshman year of high school. I have known that one day I would have to say goodbye and let him go to the rainbow bridge. Back in October 2004 I thought it was going to be then. This is when we found out he had kidney disease and was given 6 months to a year. Well, my main man sure showed them up now didn't he. I made the decision Tuesday that I was going to help him to bridge so that he would no longer be in discomfort. I know in my heart it was the kindest thing I could have done for him. Yet, I sit here and wonder how do you thank a furry friend for everything they have helped you with in there own way. One who has been with you on break ups with boyfriends, moves, marriage, a loss of a pregnancy, andthe birth of a two legged sibling. Let's not forget the acceptance of having new furry family members moving in. I guess the only way is to let them know how much you love them when they need your comfort the most. I have 2 of my furry boys at the bridge waiting for me now. I know Taps is now no longer in any discomfort/pain and his little body is healthy again. Most likely chasing mice, rooling in the grass, eating catnip and chilling with Shamy. I will miss you my honey cat. You will not be me forgotten by me. Rest in peace Taps 1-1991/11-04-2010
I'm sorry this is so long and rambling like. Thanks for reading...Val
We would like to thank those who have already left comforting messaages. We love our furiendz here on the blogosphere. ....Sia