Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Boyz Secret Paws!

Well, here is Taps and mine Secret Paws pic-fers.As you can see our sisfer Sia likes to investigate new fings that come into our house. She even went and got a black marker to scribble out where we lives. Thats good finking Sia.

Anyways, on to our goodies pic-ers. Oh, there is no pics of me because I was all crazy and come out very blurry.

Here Taps is laying with our goodies, and theres our sisfer again. I fink she was tring to tell meowmize to spread the love of treat giving, instead of the flashy box love, hehe.

Here's Taps still laying with eferyfings minus oh I finks 3 micerz, hehe. If youz can't tell we got some MORE quincey fev-vers, temptayshunz beef flavor, Micer toys, YUMMY Fishie flakes, and some NIP bubbles. It is sad to say as a kitty that we have not yet not understood these bubble fings, hehe. I guess we will have to have meowmize break them out today, hehe.
So with that we would like to send a great big Fank Youz Blackie and bean all the way from Flo-ree-dah alll the way to Hawaii.
Purss..Shamy and Taps

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Hi eferyonez!

Hi eferyonez! First we would likes to apologize furz not visiting eferyonez. Our meowmize has been very busy working and stuffs. She hopez to have us back to our normal posting schedule her soonz. Oh, that means with some new pic-fers of us too, we hopez, hehe.
Also Pounce would like to fank eferyonez as well furz all the wonderful well wishes fur Oscar and her marriage. She will be teleporting around with Oscar while his beans our out of town. I even finks they might take a motorcycle trip to visitz there kids.
Here's a cute pic-fer of me showing some of my fur cleaning skills. This was in Shamys favorite old blue chair that the dadz threw out. Oh, well i don't fink he misses it now. We now have a bunch of new favorite places to lay and take nappiez now. Well, i'm going to go take a nappie now...Sia

Friday, June 22, 2007

Viva Las Vegas! - Custom comment codes Hi eferyonez, Sia here. Pounce would be doing the post otday but, she is busy packing the fings she needs furz her trip with Oscar. We'z are very excited fur herz, and very happy too. I finks the plan is that we leave here and are going to meet up with Oscar and eferyonez there. Then we'z are going to leave fur LAS VEGAS!
Shamy what was that? Oh, I will mention it. Sorry aboutz that.
Emily, Shamy wants to know if youz would joing him in Las Vegas? Sorry about the last minute fing.
Mancats! Sorry Emily, my brofher has been pre-occupied I fink. Now with what I'm not to sure, hehe. i finks it's from the dreaming of youz, hehe.
Well, gotta run, got to finish packing my lil bag myself. Have a wonderful weekendz eferyonez!..Sia

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Pounce's Motorcyle- Tabby Thurzday!

Hi eferyonez! Well my sweet brofher Taps is letting me do todays post on our bloggie. I finks that is very sweetz of himz.

Well this is the bike I gotz. It is a Yamaha Warrior. My meowmize and dadz helped me pick it outz.

The dadz says that this bad boy has umm.. What most of youz boy kitties don't have any mores. Sorry to remind some of youz of this.

Well here's a pic-fer furz tabby thurzday of me being cutez. Oscar, I can't waitz fur our trip to Las Vegas. Oh, meowmize says that we have to go she that one show called "KA". Well I'm off to go take a nappiez...Pounce

Snowy Solarized!

Hi eferyonez! As youz all know if you visited Conners blog, or read Pounces post i teleported over to he VET place to stay with himz. I helped my meowmize type this before I lefts to go be with my mancat. So please keep purring furz him that he doesn't need any teeth pulled.

Also if you hvae notice meowmize has decided to change our bloggie look, and make me lookz funky in my pic-fer. Please let us knowz what youz finks of the changes.

Oh, Pounce gots her motorcycle and might sneak a pic-fer of it on our bloggie thurzday with Taps post. I finks its a very sharp looking bike myself. Well, I haves to get going.Purrss.....Snowy

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Well, I got to post today because taps was nice enough to let me. As you can see by my pic-fer I am tring to get some much needed kitty sleep. If you have seen yesterdays comments then youz knowz that Oscar and me are going to go on a little road trip. I'm also in the process of shopping furz a awsome motorcycle. I already have one in mindz, but waiting on the paper work, hehe. I will post a pic-fer of it's very soonz I hope.
In other newz Snowys mancat Conner Cloud is going in furz teeth cleaning and maybe some extractionz, so lets send him some comforting purrzzz.I finks Snowy is going to go visitz him tonight. It is the nicest fing a girlfriend cat can do right! Sia did see that she was asked what the question she gave to Marley was. She figures if he can't answer her by next monday she will let eferyonez know. Not a very polite way of doing fings, but hey she is a Meezer Girl. I wouldn't want to get on her bad side. As fur the boyz, they are just chillin. oh, Yuki is going to come over todayz to visist Taps. he has been rambling on all morning how he has to make sure his snuggle spot is clean and neat fur herez. Shamy well is definetly missing Emily. maybe our meowmize will let him telport over to see her this weekendz. My dear brofher we will keep our paws crossed fur yaz. Well, I'm going to get back to my napping. ......Pounce

Monday, June 18, 2007

Black-n-White Meezer Monday

Hi eferyonez, I hopes youz all had a wonderful weekend. We had a quiet one here, besides meowmize working a bunch. Wwe got our secret paws, and so did the boys. we hope to post pic-fers of it very soon. we are going to send meowmize out shopping furz ours most likely Wednesday. She decided to plays with my picfer and make it black and white this morning. I guess it could be worse, she was going to make me a violet meezer. Then I gave her the evil meezer stare. So she went with this version instead, and I'm happies about that. Oh, our woofie Uncle Boozie udated his bloggie yesterday. Our grand-meowmierz is still figuring out how to use blogger. Well, I haves to get going. I have to go get my morning stinky goodness from meowmize.mew til next mew..Sia
P.S. Marley....If possible do you finks youz can give me a answer to my question. I finks I have waited long enough to know what it is.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Frisky Friday!

Hi eferyonez, Shamy here. i fought I would post a cute pic-fer of me so that my Sweet Emily could see me. I feels like a very longz time since I go to post, and I know Taps feels the same way. She is wanting to get some nice new pic-fers of us furz our bloggie, so MAYBE we MIGHT have some new ones next week. So efery cat please keep yourz paws crossed on that. Anyways, I'm off to go chill on the porchie, and day dream of my girlfriend cat Emily...Shamy

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Tabby Toy Thurzday!

Hi eferyonez! We hopez you are all doing well. Our meowmize has been very busy lately, so thats why we haven't been able to blog like we normally do. We are still working on getting her to post some new pic-fers of us here soon. Oh, meowmize is finking of putting a official critter caught list up furz us. So far we have caught and um.. and killed 3 lizzies, 1 water snake(non-venomous), and played with 1 lizzie that had NO tail. The one lizzie meowmize rescued from us because we were pawing it, and just scaring it.Meowmize told the lizzie if he was smart he wouldn't get onto our porchie again. Which if he wants to live another day he should listen to herz. In other fings, Snowy had a wonderful birfday. We all got our morning stinky goodness, but we had a bunch of temptayshunz in it..YUMMY! Well I'm going to get going, so I can go chill on the porchy. Purrss..Pounce

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Snowy & Meowmize!

Hi eferyonez! Today is both Snowy's and meowmize birfhday. Snowy turns 5 today and ummm.. meowmize says if I want my temptayshunz I won't advertise her age. Oh, ok meowmize I won't. I don't know why she won't let me tell youz all. Although she finks she is one of the youner kittie meowmize that helps us blog, oh well. So with that said, we want to wish a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to them both. If youz wants to come over plaese do. we will have pleanty of goodies like temptayshuns, nip, cream, anyfing you could possibly want furz a party. Meowmize and the dadz are going to a water park, why you may ask. Well I'm not sure myself, silly beans is all I can say. Oh wait, ummm...
Happy Birfhday to youz....
Happy Birfhday to youzzz...
Happy Birfday Snowy and meowmize...
Happy Birfday toooooo yoouuzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!
We luvs yah, Taps, Sia, Pounce, and Shamy

Friday, June 08, 2007

Shamy's Cute Ramblings!

Hi eferyonez! I hopez youz have all had a good week, to be followed by a wonderful weekend. Well, I finks we have our meowmize back in line on regularly helping us with our post now. If only we can get her to get new pic-fers of us on here, oh well. I guess we can get her to do so many fings at once. Well, as Pounce said yesterday, really not much going on her lately, besides us getting RAIN! which the state of flo-rie-dah really needed. Well thats what all the beans were saying on the big talking box. I have been helping Sia with the bug patrol on our porchi, while she has been covering the garage fur buggies, and lizzie guys. Oh, I even caught a froggie that looked like tree bark. I was just pawing him, but meowmize put him back in the yard off of the porchie. She said somfing like froggies can make me sick. I guess she might be right. My brofher and mentor Taps has been getting sick alot lately. Some of it is those yucky hairballs, but the rest meowmize finks it's his kidneys doing it. We have not mentioned this to eferyonez before, but Taps has lived with kidney disease furz 2 years almost 3 now. So with that in mind he is doing great. Yuki.. he hopes youz can come over this weekend and visits him. Well, I would also likes to say hi to my girlfriend cat Emily. I'm sorry i have not gooten my meomize to visit youz bloggie lately. I have told her meowmize i need to go see my girlfriend. So maybe I can come and snuggle with youz this weekend if your pawrents will let me. Oh, pounce would like to say somefing. keep chillin eferyonez..Shamy
Pounce here, fanks Shamy. Oscar I saw your comment last night, and yes i gets what youz means about a trip to Vegas. I also finks it would be fun to dress up as Marilyn Monroe, and youz as Elvis. Just let me know when so I can packs up some fings. Oh, Sia is not talking to me either about the catversation that her and Marley had. Maybe Auntie Kat can find out from Marley. Purrs..Luvs pounce

Thursday, June 07, 2007 report!

Hi eferyonez! Meowmize thought this would be cute to post. She has to get our pic-fers on her very soon. We still can't rememberz where we got this cute pic-fer from, anywayz.
Sia went to go talk to Marley yesterday, and when she left she was not a very happy meezer lady cat. I went and snuggled with my mancat Oscar because or daughter Suzanne is not feeling well. I will be joining him today. Oh, and Taps is hoping if it's ok with Yuki's mom, that she will let her teleport over this weekend. That about all the interesting couples news here. Snowy doesn't tell me much, hehe. Oh, my Uncle Boozie has his own bloggie now. he is a woofie. I know Sia informed KC, and she did a wonderful job of re-puur-ting it. His link is on our sidebar under "Boozie". Well off to get my stinky goodness before I go see my mancat and Suzanne. Purss..Pounce

Monday, June 04, 2007

Meezer Feather Monday

Hi eferyonez! We hopez you all had a wonderful weekend. Well, we actually had our meowmize furz a sunday. Her and the dadz spent the day together, then they came home and took a nappie with us, and then watched a movie. Well, I would like to fank all the kitties furz the wonderful advise on how to take Marleys, thought on having two girlfriends.
As eferyonez knows we are in a new house now. Eferyfing is going wonderful, and the lizzie hunting is super. I have caught as many as three well thats what I have told meowmize anyways, hehe.This is a pic-fer of me when Pumpkin sent me some of Quincy's fev-fers. I still have some, but I finks meowmize hides them all so I don't kill them all at onece. I finks I might have to go looking furz them today when she finks i am taking a nappie. We hopez to have some new pic-fers of us to post very soonz.Well, I'm off to go chill on the screened porchie. Have a wonderful meezer monday eferyonez.Mew til next mew..Sia

Friday, June 01, 2007

We are still around!

Hi eferyonez! We just wanted to let eferyonez knowz that we have not fallen off of the internet..umm I mean world. See meowmize has not been feeling well. We kitties finks it's her allergies and a nasty lil cold all together. So when she had her two days off we made her stay in bed.. besides feeding us. She is feeling a lot better now. We hopes to be posting like normal by next week. We hopez youz all have a wonderful weekend...Snowy