Friday, December 29, 2006
Taps Close Up!
Hi eferyonez! Taps here, I hopes eferyonez had a wonderful christmassie. I did and i even gots me a new foodie dish that reads " Here Kitty, Kitty". Meowmize asked the adz to get it fur me because she was sick, and then had to work so she couldn't go shopping for our christmassie stuff. So the dadz did and we gotz some really cool stuff.I finks we will be posting pic-fers later.
Oh, we even got our secret paws from Ella and Fitzgerald yesterday and we just loved eferyfing. Sia even nipped meowmize when she was tring to get efryfing together fur a pic-fer, but she apologized and had to take a pic-fer in a Santay hat, hehe. Well, I'm off to take a nap. I have to get lots of rest before my burfhday which is only a few days away, seeing it's on the 1st of January. Oh, and Sia said she would share her Meezer Monday with me too, to cel-e-bratez my burfhday. - Taps
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Snowy's Close up WW
Hi eferyonez, we hopez eferyonez has had a wonderful christmas and got eferyfings they wanted. We got lotz of stuff, like scratchy ring refills, micerz, reed dot maker, temptayshuns, YUMMy stinky goodness. Oh, Taps even got a new foodie dish. Meowmize is going to help us post some pic-fers of our christ-massie loot, and new ones of us later we hopes.
This is a close up White Wednesday, yeap I've used this pic before, but we are working on getting new ones on here.
Well we would like to wish our Grammy a Happy Burfhday! It is her burfhday today and we luvz her vurry much. From all of us kitties, and woofies. Well I'm off to take a nappie.- Snowy
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Meowy Catmas !
We would like to wish eferyonez a very Meowy Catmas.We hopez eferyonez has a safe and wonderful Holiday. With lots of hammy, turkey, or other goodies to all our kitty friends on the kitty blogosphere.
Meowmize got our catmas pic-fer from the Big Cat Rescue from here in Tampa. Here is the link to there web site. We hopes you likes it.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Pounce in a window
Hi eferyonez, we hopez you all have has a wonderful week. We have even though our meowmize got sickie, which she wasn't to thrilled about. We got most of our presentz under the tree, besides the few things that meowmize has to go buy still. She still has to get Sia, Taps, and Shamy their presentz still. She hasn't told them this at all, because it would just upset them thinking they were not good kitties this year. She even still has to get the dadz his gift, but I'll be up with her like the others helping her wrap eferyfings, hehe. Well the five of us has nominated our meowmize for the Food Lady of the Yeer. We could get the linkie badge and stuff to work right, so we will put the linkie here in our bloggie post, hehe. Here it is.
Well, I'm off to take a nap, and help Snowy get the meowmize to put some fresh foodies in our bowls. Besides I finks meowmize is going to try and get the last of her christmassie shopping done before she goes to work today. -Pounce
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Snowy investigating WW
Well it's White wednesday again, plus some fun other fings to day like Wacky Wednesday, Wide Body, and Wordless.Oh, and I heard Kimo and Sabi mention about Wish List Wednesday, becuase Christ-massie is Monday. As Pounce has told eferyonez, meowmize hasn't put new pic-fers of us up yet. Anyways, this is a pic-fer of me from whenz we got our prizey from Grr, Midnight, and Cocoa. You can see Sia behind me.I was checking eferyfing out before meowmize put her hand in it, and I could smell the nip. I didn't wnats there to be any surprises for her as she pulled out the goodies. We had lots of fun with our goodiez and still play with the fever toy, the nip bag toy, and we LOVE the kitty nip. We Well, I'm off to go chill, but before I do here is our Wish List.
The Katnippia Crew's wish List:
All the homeless kitties and woofies to find their fureverhomes
Eferybean to get along in the world.=World Peace
Another kitty tower condoie fingy.
meowmize not having to work- We loves it when she is home.
Us to have our very own giant kitty sun room.
These are all far stretches, but hey us kitties can dream right, hehe. Of to lay in the sun.- Snowy
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Tabby, Tummy, Tuxie Toosday
Well we couldn'tz decided which one of us should getz to post a pic-fer on our bloggie today so meowmize put both of us on. As you can tell I'm showing of my tummy a lil bit with my tabbieness, hehe. Taps is showing off his nip high and his beautiful tuxie-ness, hehe I can handle sharing a day with the old man cat, thats what meowmize calls him. Meowmize still hasn't put our new pic-fers on here yet, but she's not ready to fight with the compooter yet. I fink she might just uninstall IE7 if she's able to do that and just keep the origianl IE, but we don't knowz yet. Or she might see if she has to install or reinstall the camera program to download pic-ferz. Anywayz thats be some boring stuff fur meowmize to deal with. Well we are off to go chill in the sun (Taps), or lay on the table with the wrapping paper(Pounce). We hopez eferyonez has a wonderful day.-- Pounce and Taps
Oh, don't fourget to visit our pupskis bloggie. meowmize has to visit our pupski bloggies for them maybe tonight.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Sia's Close Up!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Pounce's letter to S.C.
Hello eferyonez! We hopez youz all had a wonderful week, and will have a wonderful weekend. Well, meowmize got our Secret Paws package out Monday, but she didn't work on getting our pic-fer fingy working on here yet. Although she did get us a baby tree, seeing our big one is in North Carolina still. It's cutez, but we can't climbz it. Well, i wrote a letter to Santay Claws as well and herez it is.
Dear Santay Claws,
I finks I have been a very good girl this year. I was very good when meowmize took me to the VET. Well maybe not 100% good, but she desirved me spraying the compooter fro sticking me TWICE and hurting me in the process. I was good for meowmize for the road trip down to Flo-rie-dah, even though we were all drugged up besides Taps. I haven't tromented Taps or the others to much, or un-rolled the toilet paper completly, hehe. So if i still make it on your good girl list could I possibly have a few fingz please. I would likes to have a laser pointer, so meowmize can play chase the light with me. I would also likes to have a new collar, that is a tough kitty looking one. Considering I am the guard of the house, besides Mooch. That is all i want this year. Fanks for taking the timez to read my letter Santay Claws. Love Pounce
Yes we do know that we haven't really asked for much this year. See meowmize bought us a really cool kitty scratcher, condoie fingy around September. So we only want some of the the wittle fings. We also purraying that all the kitties and woofies who need homes might find one soon.
Oh, don't furget to check out our woofies bloggie at Well, I havez to give meowmize the compooter. Hopez you all havez a wonderful weekend.-Pounce
Shamy's Letter to Santay Claws !
Hi eferyonez ! I finally get to do a post on our bloggie, yippy! Well this was a pic-fer of me when I was playing in NIP, wonderful nip. Mewomize doesn't give me to much of it because i get very rotten, hehe. Well I wrote a letter to Santay Claws, S.C. by Snowy.
Dear Santay Claws, ( Not the vishus deer)
I has been a good boy this year I finks. I was a good boy when we made our long road trip down to Flo-rie-dah, and when we got into our new place. I hopes that my misunderstandingz with my carrier, the seat and meowmize won't be held against me. I really dislike the big blue machine and the PTU that it made me have to go pee. I was very sorry and did apologize to meomize over this. So if I am still on your good boy list here's what I would like to have for christmassie. I would likez to have a new collar, that is nice for a guy like me. I would also likes to have some nip toys like the toy we got from Grr, Midnight, and Cocoa. Oh, also is possible could I get a new food bowl that reads Prince, if not thatz ok.Fanks for taking a moment to read my letter Santay Claws. Love Shamy
So that's the letter I wrote to Santay Claws. In ofher news meowmize told me of somefing very disturbing. It scarded me bad. She told me about a BIG Metal Monster that had vishus deer antlers on it. It was the color of a vishus deer too. I finks us central Flo-rie-dah kitties need to get together with a wathc group.
If you haven't met our pupskis yet they have a bloggie now and its at
Well I'm off to take a nappie on the porch. Hope eferyonerz has a good day.-Shamy
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Snowy's WW and Letter to S.C.
Hi eferyonez,hopez you are all having a wonderful week so farz. Well it's our White Wednesday again. Meowmize hasn't put any new picfers of us on the com-pooter yet so this is an older one of me looking vury cute. As youz all notice Sia and Taps has posted their letter to Santay Claws (S.C.) so here's mine.
Dear Santay Claws, (Not the vishus deer)
I have been a very good girl this year. I was a good girl on our road trip when we moved to Flo-rie-dah, and when meowmize to me to the vet earlier this year. I have not picked on the otherz to much, and have not picked on Taps either. If possible, I would likes to have a new collar, some temp-tay-shunes, and some new scratchers for our turbo chaserz. This is all I wants fur christmassie. Oh, I know the others won't mention it, but i miss living in North carolina. I wish my meomize and the dadz knew. Fanks for reading my letter. Loves, Snowy
Ok, well thats my letter to S.C. On other info's meowmize read the Crews bloggoe after work Toosda, and she is hav-ingz issuez commenting on some bloggies as well. Oh, and our pupskies have thir own bloggie to it's at please go by and see's them. Have a wonderfulz day. Snowy
White Wednesday Kitties:
Ghost - Mia and Ghost
Monday, December 11, 2006
Tap's Letter to Santay Claws
Hi eferyonez, Taps here. As you can see meowmize was taking more pic-fers of me while I was tring to take a nappie. She though I looked vurry cutes so out came the flashy box. Wait till my grammy see's this post, hehe. I guess eferyones is posting there letter to Santay Claws. I don't really want a lot of stuff, but heres my letter.
Dear Santay Claws,
I have been a vurry good boy this year. I was a really good boy on the road trip to Flo-rie-dah when we moved here. I get along with the ofhers when they are not chasing me (Pounce-Sia) i won't name names. If possible I finks I would like to have a new foodie dish, becasue my mean woofie roomamte Shania has broken 3 of mine. Oh, and maybe a new bed, maybe one the ofhers won't want to lay in. Like the cavey one made me when she came down to visit the dadz in March. Fank you Santay Claws for reading my letter. Love Taps - The old Man of the house.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Sia's Letter to Santay Claws
Ok, well my post is doing two fings. One is my pic-fer for meezer monday, and the ofher is my list for Santay Claws. We hopez eferyonez had a wonderful weekendz. Here'z the letter I wrote to Santay Claws with meowmize help.
Dear Santay Claws, ( Not the vishous deer)
I don't really want a lotz for christmassie. I do finks i was a good gilr this year. I was really good for meowmize on our road trip down to Flo-ri-dah, and when I went to the VET. Here's the few fings I would likes to have please. I would likez to have a new collar with a matching harness and leash. I would also likez to have some new micerz toys, and a new foodie bowl that reads Princess if I could as well. fank you Santay Claws for taking the time to read my letter. Love, Siamia (aka)- Sia
Oh, meowmize helped with this test. we found it on Dragonheart's Bloggie.
Your Elf Name Is... |
Friday, December 08, 2006
Pounce's announcement !
Hi eferyonez ! We hopez eferyonez has had a good week this week. Well, meowmize finally got our woofies a blog of their own. Here is their linky . So if any of you kitties have woofies that want to say hi please do. Oh, their a reason their bloggie is titles naughty and nice, hehe. Anyways, meowmize has not worked on getting our pic-fers to down load yet. She promises to work on that Monday when she is off next. yesh you would have thought she would have done that for us sooner, but nope.
Meowmize: Pounce I'm sorry I didn't work on that my two days off. I promise to work on that Monday ok.
Ok meowmize, we'll forgive you. Oh, did you get our secrets paws present yet?
Yes, Pounce I did. I will get it in the mail probably Monday.
Ok, well I finks thats eferythings. So we hopes eferyonez has a wonderful weekend. Oh yeah, we are going to post our list for Santay Claws next week. -Pounce
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Another White Wednesday Tummy
Hi eferyonez, Snowy here. Well it's White Wednesday again, plus Wacky Wednesday that Kimo & Sabi started up, and Wordless Wednesday.So today should be pretty interesting, huh. So here's another tummy shot of my white tummmy.
Well our meowmize has not been able to try and get her camera to download yet. Yesterday was a long day with out her. I don't fink any of us like it, but she brings home the stinky goodness, and the micerz. So I guess we will learn to deal with herz working long shiftz. We saw that some of our fellow kitty bloggerz were putting up their Christamas list for Santy Claws. So have decided that next week we would post ourz for Santy Claws to see.
Well, I'm off to take a nappy, or watch some lizzies sun them selfs on our screen porchy. - Snowy
White Wednesday Kittie:
Yuki - Kazoku Neko
Ghost - Mia & Ghost
Monday, December 04, 2006
Relaxing in the sun
Hi eferyonez, Sia here. Well we hopez eferyonez had a wonderful weekend. We had a kinda quiet one, with the drama of Pounce escaping, and me not wanting to eat because meowmize was working late. Meowmize is working on a plan to rememdy both issues. Well meowmize has the woofie blog up, but now she can't get any pic-fers to down load from the camera since the up grade to En-ter-netz 7 Ex-plour-er. So she has to work on that a lil today if her head ache goes away. Thats why our bloggie is late posting today. Oh meowmize was wantingz to ask if someone could tell her how to add the ( Wookie Links: ) so she can sepaprate any woofie links we mightz put upz. Well, off to chill on the porchy or maybe walk outside on my harness. Have a meowy good dayz eferyonez. - Sia
Friday, December 01, 2006
Thoughtful Sia
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
My White Tummy
Hi eferyonez, it's White Wednesday again. I hopez eferyonez is having a good week so far. I know we are here, besides us getting use to meowmize new work hours and schedule. Well here is a pic-fer of me showing off my cute white tummy. This is meowmize new chair she got from our neighbor friend when she moved, but we have claimed it as the kitties chair, hehe. Well I'm offz to go take a nappy, it looks like it is going to be the perfect nap day. -Snowy
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Tramatic Weekend Part 2
Ok well here is the ofher part of our story from saturdays happeningz. As Sia mentioned meowmize was not happy about me peeing in my PTU it leaking on the seat and then getting on her when she picked me up. I was put in the back ,and we went and got the cleaning stuff then to the VET. When we gottz therez meowmize put us in the same cage so we could keepz each ofher company, no bad, right! Well it got worse meowmize and and friend of herz came and got us outz and took us in a room and the two doorz shut. I was still mad at meowmize for putting me in the PTU, and would not let her give me luverz to show it. Sia was hiding behind meowmize because she is a good Princess. I was very vocal on the protesting part. I was smelling the room, while growling and hissing. Well, two ladys came in, one with a white jacket and anofher with a animal top came in. They wanted to see Sia first since she was the nicest of the two of us. She was doing good,and they clipped her nails. She went back to meowmize and layed behind her. It was my turn, muhahaha. The lady helping the doctor was not sure about me until meowmize told her I was all talk, fanks alot meowmize! The doctor looked me over as well, and gave me 2 shots, but they dared not clip my nails, hehe. Then we went back to our room, but I wanted to be alone so I smacked Sia so meowmize would know it. So Sia got her own area. We got some stinky goodness from meowmize, but we didn't want any. Sia was taken out later, and it was to get her shots, because her temp was high earlier so she had to wait. Then we left a lil while after thatz, and I peed in my PTU again, hehe. This time I had it more on my feet and on my tummy. So meowmize wiped them with a wet towel and I cleaned my self up the rest of the wayz. _ Shamy
Meowmize here, both of them had a good check up. The only thing is they both have a lil tarter, and gingivitus building up, with a lil upper ear wax. Shamy has now since forgien me, and lays with me. Sia's temp was up due to stress, which is why her shots were given later. We hope everyone enjoyed there adventure. No, Shamy did not get in trouble just a, "why did you have to go and do that talk. "
Monday, November 27, 2006
Tramatic Weekend!
Well, meomize told me that wasn't fery nice of him to do, and now she has his pee on her seat. Shamy was put in the back(still protesting), and we went back to get some cleaner and two towels. Then we went on our way to the VET for a good part of the day. I will let Shamy continue the rest tomorrow.
P.S no beans or meowmize were hurt in the happenings of this day, just one PTU and a seat.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Shamy on the com-puter
Hi eferyonez, it's Shamy here. We hopez that eferyonez had a wonderful Turkey Day.Our meowmize was traviling yesterday to visit our Dadz family. We didn't get to post on our bloggie becauze of dat, and that meowmize had to work Friday so she couldn't type for us. We wanted to do a list for what we are fankful for, so here is are list.
1) Meowmize and our dadz
2) Stinky Goodness
3) Toyz
4) A warm home to sleep inz
5) Crunchiez
6) Snuggly sleepy spotz
7) Meowmize - we know shez on the list alreadyz but we really luvz her.
8) Mooch our guard pupski dog
Well this is our list, not in a praticular order though.
Yes we do know our list is late.
Oh, this is me on meowmize monitor checking out Kats Cat of the Day. Well we hopez eferyonez has a wonderful weekend, and plenty of nappies. - Shamy
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Half & Half
Hi eferyonez, hopez your having a good Wednesday. Oh, and getting ready for Fanksgiving, and visiting family and stuff.
We am ecited for Pounce and Shamy because they are in the calendar that was made to help our blogging kitties beans. this am the linky to it. Meomize is going to get onez for her and our grammy in Tennessee.
As you can see it is White Wednesday, Wordless Wednesday and Wide Body Wednesday, boy Wednesday is getting busy . Last week I asked for any white kitty to please leave me or Yuki a comment and we had alot of youz tell us where to find the white kitties. Meomize is going to get all the info togetherz next week once she starts her new jobbie. So, once we do I will post it. Welll I am off to go take a nappy. It's nice and cool here in Flo-ri-de-ah. - Snowy
Monday, November 20, 2006
Beu-tee-ful Blue eyes
Well, I'm offz to watch lizzies, and birdies from our porchy.
We hopez that eferyonez had a wonderful weekend. - Sia
Friday, November 17, 2006
Sleepy Taps
Ok well, meowmize was considering posting two pics today seeing she was bad and didn't post any yesterday. I decided that I wanted to be kitty to do the bloggie today.
Well, as you can see I was minding my own bus-iz-nezz when meowmize started taking pics of me with the flashy box. I was good and comfy too. Well it lookz to be a furry laid back weekend for us kitties, maybe the woofies too. I be-wivez it is going to be a nice and comfy temp wise for us. Meowmize has had the windowz and the slidy door open a night, and it's been really nice. We get to watch the rac-coonz go by while they look for foodiez, and the other kitties and some beans. Oh, and theres the woofies being walked as well. Well, I am off to take a nap somewhere. We hopez eferyonez has a wonderful weekend. Taps
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Snowy on her porchy
Well herez anofer pic-fer of me on our porchy laying in the sun. Meowmize took this one today. I was looking to see if I saw a birdie or a lizzie, but it was bean getting in his car to leave.
Well I hope eferyonez has a wonderful day.
Oh, and if you are a white kitty please leave Yuki or me a comment. We ares starting to finks that theres only 4 white kitties in the whole bloggy com-mune-ity. -Snowy - this is Yukis linky
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Tabby in a bag
Well, herez I am in the bag that meowmize gifty came in. Don't I wooks so ferry cutez. Oh, and it's a wonderful pic-fer for a Tabby toseday. I have two morez pic-ferz of me in the bag, but meowmize liked this one. We will share the ofhers later. Well, we hopez eferyonez is having a wonderful day. I'm off to torment someonez, maybe one of the pupskies, hehe. -Pounce
Sunday, November 12, 2006
What ! I didn't do anyfing.
Hi eferyonez ! We hopez you all had a wonderful weekend. Well here is my pic for meezer maonday. Meowmize has to work all day so I had her putz it up early, hehe. The Dadz went to a hockey game and brought this home. I had fun killing it. i didn't even havez to share it with the ofherz efer. Well, I'm going to let the meowmize go to bed so she can go earn the moneyz to buy mee, oops, us some treats and lil micerz. - Sia
Friday, November 10, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Cute lil batty face
Hey eferyonez, Shamy here. It's been a alot of naps and porchy time since I got to post on our bloggie. Well, there's nofhing really newz with us, well except our meowmize and dadz cel-iee-bray-ted their 2nd ann-iver-saurie tosday. wez even had the apartment to our self for most of the day and evening, hehe. Meowmize and the dadz don't know that we had a party while they were gonez, hehehe
Oh, by the way do I wooks like i have a batty face? Meowmize finks I do the cutest batty face em-press-ions. well, i'm offs to take a nappy. -Shamy
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Sleepy Snowy!
Hi eferyonez, it's White Wednesday yippy!
I finks it's wonderful that blogger let me post my pic-fer. As you can seez I was in the middle of a nap, and here comes our meowmize with the flashy box. So what's a kitty to do right, besides just let your meowmize take your pic-fer and continue taking your nappie.
Well, off to watch the lizzies, and take a nappie.
Hope eferyonez has a wonderful day. - Snowy
Monday, November 06, 2006
Hi eferyonez, here's a cute pic-fer of me for Meezer Monday. I was sittingz there all cutez and meowmize had to take my pic-fer. I fink I look cutez to, except I have lil glowerz. Oh, well whatz a kitty to do.
As Pounce predicted it was a lazy weekendz for us kittiez. We got some really nice Porchy time, and had a whole night with the windows open. Which waz vurry nice seeing we livez in Flo-rie-daz now and it stays humid meowmize says. Well i offz to watch lizzies and get a sunbath in, hehe. - Sia
Friday, November 03, 2006
Chillin Kitty
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
No Pic-fer for White Wednesday :(
Well We hopez eferyonez had a fun and safe Halloween. We gotz to see some cute trick-or-treaterz last night. The dadz said that one group was dressed up as Firefighterz. He couldn't remember the rest to tell our meowmize, but we had funz watching them.
I finks I'mz going to go chill on the porchy and watch for lizzies, and take a nap before meowmize goes to work. We hopez eferyonez has a wonderful day.- Snowy
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Taps's Tux
Hi eferyonez, I finally get to use our bloggie. This is a picfer of me in the kit-chin asking meowmize for some hamburger, yummy. She gave me somez after my pic-fer becasue I was lookinz so cutez. Well off to naps.- Taps
Meowmize here, I wanted to post a pic of Taps for the tuxedos Tuesday seeing I was still up. I felt so bad seeing I have not posted his pic for any of the Tuesdays. Well I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Sia's silly face
Well, here's a cute picfer of me for Meezer Monday. Meowmize just had to sharez it withz eferyonez. I really trying to lick the nip, buts it just looks like I am sticking my lil tounge outz. I do finks I might need to join that group for nip heads. Well if I do Shamy said he would join with me.
Well, we would likez to fanks eferyonez for purrayingz for the older two legged boy. He is doing much betterz, and is up and walking around after his sure-gur-ie to have his tumor removed.
I am offz to chill on the porchy while meowmize is home. So hopez efereyonez had a wonderful weekend. - Sia
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Snowy's White Wednesday
Well, it's Wednesday again! Heres a pic of me layinz next to a big black panther. It was a stuffy that the oldest two legged boy won for our meowmize. I was all nice and cozy, and here came meowmize with that falshy thing.
Well I hope Yuki can join in on our White Wednesday for us beautifulz white kittiez. Oh, if you are a white kitty please leave a commentz so that my meowmize can visit your bloggie and try to put a linky in for youz here.
Well, we hopez eferyonez is having a wonderful week.
Lots of kitty loverz and purrariers going to our meowmize friend Kim , and family.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Sia and Nip
Well it's Meezer Monday today. Here's a pic-fer of me playing with the nip toy that we gotz from cali-for-niaz from Cocoa, Grr, and Midnight. As you can see i was about to give it the ol bunny kick as meowmize calls it. Wellwe hopez efuryonez had a wonderful weekend. I'm off to chill on the porchy. - Sia
Friday, October 20, 2006
Dryer Kitty
I got caught checking the dryer out for those mean ol sock monstersLucky for meowmize I didn't find any, but was it nice and toasty in here. I was sitting of meowmize scrub pants and socks, hehe. Although since this pic-fer she does her kitty head count to make sure none of us are in the laun-dray room, or in the dryer before she starts it. Oh, don't I look so sweet and innocient, hehe.
A note to all the ofher kittys, Please do not jump in the dryer or washer when your bean is not looking. If you have questions why not, please ask your bean.
Well, I am off to go chill on the porchy. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. - Pounce
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
White Wednesday # 2
Well, it's White Wednesday again. Meowmize thought this would be a good pic-fer for today. I am just chilling after the dadz gave us some of the organic nip that Grr, Midnight, and Cocoa sent us. Fanks youz again. If looks really close you mights see the nips, hehe. Well, i hopes eferyonez is having a good day. I'm off to watch lizzies, and chill in the sun. Snowy
P.S. Yuki, I hopes you can join in on the fun today.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Meezer Monday
Well I just foundz outz last weeks that Monday is meezer Monday. So heres a pic-fer of me looking all cutez for Meezer Monday.
For those of you who don't knows me, my name is Sia, or as meowmize calls me Princess Sia. I am a lil applehead meezer. i don't know many applehead meezers, are there many likes me? Well happy Meezer Monday, oh and Midnight Monday to the black kitties.
Well I am off to watch lizzies and Squirrley guys from our pourchy. - Sia
Friday, October 13, 2006
Shamy all snuggly !
Here I was tring to takez a nap and meowmize had to take a pic-fer. This is my favorit sleeping spot, except I havez to share itz with Pounce, oh well. I likes the fact that my fur blends in with it, a sleath sleeping spot,hehe.
We would like to Let Kim, and her family know that we are sending lots of kitty purayerz and loverz out to them.
Also we hopez eferyones has a fanstatic weekend.
P.S. pounce has yet to prove that it wasn't her or me that dumped our water container. We are going have to come up with a plan. Rascal had a good idea. the guilty party does it when meowmize is sleeping though. So please keep your paws crossed that we find the guilty kitty.
Well I am goin to go take a nap in my bed. - Shamy
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Couch Kitty
Woohoo, I get the bloggie today. Pounce here, well here's anofher pic-fer of me being cute. I was laying by meowmize and hse got the flashy thying and took it. As you can see I have some tan colored fur on my tummy, but you can't see my spots hehe.
I knows meowmize asked the question of ideas on water bowls, and how to keep me from dumping it. Yet, I don't know how she finks it's me doing it. I know I likez to cover the foodz and anyfing else like our foodiez, but why does she finks itz me dumping the water. It could be Shamy dumping the water too. he likez moving the water container. Well I am off to tourment one of the ofhers, or maybe the woofies, hehe. - Pounce
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
1st White Angel Wednesday !
Well, Yuki and me were discussing how there's not a day of kitty group for white kitties. So we decided to try wednesday as our day. So here is anofher really nice pic-fer of me. I really likes this pic-fer, it makes me look cuter, hehe.
Ok, well meowmize has a questions furrz all the kitts and there beans. She wants to know if anyone else has kittys that like dumping there water dishes,and ofher water contaners over and dumping it?
She doesn't know whats to do with Pounce and Shamy they just dump it all the times. So if anyones has any su-gest-tions please do.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Beau-ti-full Eyes !
Look into my eyes, don't you finks they are beau-ti-ful. This is the ofher pic-fer of me that came out really nice meowmize says. It shows off my beau-ti-ful eyes.
This pic-fer was of me while I was chilling on the porchy. I took a moment from watching lizzies to take this pic-fer.
During the weekend I found out that theres no club for us totally white kitties. Now there is the Coats of Many Colors, the Tuxedo Gand, and Attack of the Tabbies, and the Ginger kitty group. Sorryz if I left anyone out. So I finks us white kitties need to get our own group together. I just wish my meowmize was better at the pu-tter thingy to get onez togetherz. Well I'm offz to watch lizzies while meowmize is home. -Snowy
Friday, October 06, 2006
Queen Snowy!
Hellwo eferyonez, Snowy here. Well meowmize finally gotz a really nice pic-fer of me and wanted to share it's with eferyonez. I even finks this is one of my best pic-fers ever! I don't normally sit still for her to take a good pic-fer of me. When she does it doesn't look right alot of timez. Meowmize finks it is because I'm all white. That and the light on the flashy box makes me looks funky.
Well we wants to send lots of kitty lovers, and snuggles to all of our furiends out there.
We would like the fanks eferyone for the purrayers for Cammie (RIP) and her family. Her meowmize Becky really appriciates it.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Nip & Paper
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Box from Cali-for-niah!
Pounce and I had to investigate the box before our meowmize could open it. we hadz to make sure it was safe, that and it had a vurry nice smell coming out of it.
I finks I really like this toy. It smells so wonderful. I knows why, it's filled with lots of NIP!
As you can see meowmize FINALLY got a pic-fer of all of us in it. Yep, we actuall came together to see what prizey we gotz. We just luvs it all, we hads to try some of eferything, and the afterwards took a nice kitty nap. -Sia
Note from the Meowmize, they really enjoyed there organic nip, the temptations, the feather ball toys, the feather wand toy, and there delicious kitty food. We will post some more pictures of them enjoying there prize, oh and Taps playing in the packing paper.