Monday, April 16, 2007

Meezer woofie Monday!

Happy Meezer Monady eferyonez! We hopez youz had a wonderful weekendz, and had lotz of luviez, foodies, and some good nip.
Well we had a quiet weekend. The dadz went looking furz a place to reant, and found a really nice house, but we don't know any morez than thta. Our meowmize and the dadz don't want to get our hopes up. I will keepz eferyones updated on this. Oh, meowmize says if she doesn't comment as much as norma, it is because she has to pack. This doesn't seem like funz, but playing in the box is. I am sure some our wondering why is she sitting next to a woofie in this pic-fer? Or why is she not wacking that woofie. The answer is, this is my woofie Mooch. Meowmize calls him goofy boy, and wacko when he acts silly. When we use to live in NC he would proteck me when I was out on my harness. There was one time, that a great big black woofie came runningz up towardz meowmize and me. My Moochie got between us, and wouldn't let the black woofie near me or meowmize. She got me in the house, and then meowmize told Moochie to take the woofie home and he did. So furz this I luvs my Moochie. I even clean his ears once in awhilez. This way he don't have to have meowmize do it as much. ( meowmize still cleans them as needed even though Sia cleans them) Well, i'm off to chill on the porchy, oh and get some stinky good-ness. mew til nezt mew....Sia
P.S. Marley I enjoyed our time together last week. Maybe we'ze can do it'z again soon. Purrs and kitty kisserz Luv, Sia


The Meezers or Billy said...

wow, that's a great woofie you has!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Mooch sounds like a great woofie! :)

Good luck to your humans with the packing and finding a place to rent!

Anonymous said...

Sia, such a lovely meezer monday photo! Good luck on the packing!

Daisy said...

Thanks for introducing us to Mooch. He seems like a very good woofie. It is nice of you to clean his ears, too.

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

Mooch is the pooch with the mostest! Sorry, couldn't help myself. It's a beautiful day and I'm dreaming of my sweet Pounce! I'm sorry that the weather is yucky in the NE! Sia, you look so cute. Y'all help Mommy all you can, packing is STRESSFUL!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Mooch sounds like a furry nice woofie. We know dat der are sum furry wunnerful woofies out der dat woodent effun dreem of hurting a kitty.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

wow you are friends with a woofie? interesting! The only woofie I have ever had the displeasure of meeting was a giant beast who growled at me. I think you are lucky to have one on your side!

LZ said...

What a wonderful woofie!! I had a special woofie once and I miss her a lot. We will be very busy ourselves this week so we might not comment as much as usual either.


Anonymous said...

We do not have a woofie, and we don't know if we would be as nice as you are...

Rosemary B❤️ said...

This is a super nice picture of you and that very sweet woofie.

Moving is such a lot of work. We are purrring loudly that you will find the bast place and that the move goes smoothly


Catzee said...

Yur not ascared of a woofie? I'm furry impressed.

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

I'm a bit 'spicious of dogs myself (especially the dogs who pull the Man in the Blue Shorts' mail sled and who eat our mail) But Mooch sounds like a good sort of dog! Glad he protected you from the bad sort of dog!

Kimo and Sabi said...

WE has never met any woofies in person - but we fink we would like them. Marley looks like a nice woofie.

Artsy Catsy said...

Some woofies are wonderful, and Mooch looks like one of those! We have a wonderful Artsy Catsy woofie, too: Pepper. She was rescued like all of us! And I love her!!



Wow I didn't knoos woofies could be so nice!
