Naughty Tabby!
Helloz eferyonez! We hopez youz all are doing wonderfulz! Well my kitty sisfer haz done it, yep Pounce pushed the screen out to the kitten beans window. Now the meowmize has to fix it. She wasnt to happy with herz about this. She even called herz a fat cat, which she is kindaz chubby. Hey, I heard that Sia. Your not as small as you use to be meezer face. Any mewz.......we are all doing goodz, besides the meowmize is having issues this allergy season. She says it'z due to us having a very warmz winter. She will makes it through it though. With lots of tissues and lots of allergy medicinez. Well, off to go sleep on her big comfy bed till the kitten bean goes nite nitez. Till next mewz.....Siamia
No pushing out the screen does not sound like a good thing to do--from a human point of view!
Uh-oh, I would be in big trouble if I pushed out the window screen. I am glad everyone is doing well, even with your Mom's allergies. Mine has to take shots for allergies now.
Yeah, our meowmize says that she is going to try and fix the screen this weekend. She still has no voice. She is all raspy and squeaky at times. I finks she shoulg go see a docferz that dealz with itz all the timez.
Herman, does the shotz help your mom's allergies. Purrsss..Siamia
We would probably be in trouble if we pushed the screen out, too. For some reason, the humans do not like when that happens.
Sorry to hear about your Mommy's allergies. They have been bad for our humans, too.
Happy Purrrrthday, Sia. Purrrrrring that you had a great day, and that you and your kittie & bean pals are all still hanging in there.
Our Dad knows all about allergies. He usually has all kinds of pills and sprays around the house all summer.
Happy Birthday to Sia!
Happy birthday, Sia! We sure hope you had a wonderful day. :)
Thanks for the share. Accidents will happen to the best of us. Maybe you saw a squirrel coming up really close to the house and you got all excited. At least everything will be fixed soon. Have a great day.
World of Animals
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