Sia's Close Up!
Well here's a pic-fer that meowmize just had to sharez with everyonez. I was standing of her lapz and she took this pic-fer. As you can see the flashy fing gave me mean kitty eyes.If you look behind me you can see the dadz feet, hehe. Well, we had a very quiet weekend, well maybe not me but eferyone else did. I chased a intruder kitty away from our home. See we lives in an appartment and this kitty was tourmenting me while I was on our porchy, and the dadz saw this. So he took me out for my walk and the kitty came over, but I chased him away with my growl and stuffs. I know Princess's don't do these kind of fings. What is a girl to do if her guard won't wear a harness to do the job. Besides let her wonderful pupski Moochie out after the kitty. Anyways that kitty hasn't been back to tourment us. He's one of the many feral kitties that live here. It does make meowmize upset that so many people just don't care and leave kitties, like our friend Kiko was. Anyways, or secret paws Jake and Spot got there package. There meowmize said that they just loved their toy micerz and was playing there hearts out. We are very happiez to hear that. Well, I'm off to lay on the porchy. Have a wonderful Meezer Monday.-Sia
You also have a wonderful Meezer Monday.
I like the way your eyes look in that photo. A lovely surreal color. Glad to hear that was your dad's foot and not a 3rd ear. Good job on the intruder.
Gorgeous Meezer Monday picture! You're one hot Meezer!
Happy Meezer Monday to you too!
I think we do look very nice together! You are a very pretty girl.
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