Shamy the Cutie !!!!
Well, meowmize has been really busy the past week, so she gave us some nip because she felt bad about it. Here I was tring to tell her, whyz do havez to take a pic-fer of me with the flashy thing. So I decided to try and getz the stringy from the flashy thing, hehe.
Don't I lookz reallyz cutez in these pic-fers, i finks I amz. So I asked meowmize to post them. Oh, meowmize said somefing about us getting a surprizey from the UPS person Monday. I wonder whats it could beez. She was even saying that itz somefing that shez always wanted to gets us to. When we gets it we will has to post some pic-fers of it. Oh meowmize wants to thank Oreo's meowmize for posting pic-fers of his special kitty surprize. Which is why she found our new surprize. Also Princess Sia wants to thank Pumpkin and his meowmize Linda in Hawaii, oh, and wez can't forget their special birdie friend Quincy for the beau-ti-ful fev-vers they sent her. Meowmize is going to post some pic-fers of her and her fev-vers soon. Well, I am offs to give meowmize loverz and go chill on our porchy. Kitty huggers to all, -Shamy
hi shamy,,,,,gammie loves you
Hmmmm...when the brown truck comes it's usually just more books for mom. But if the box is big enough we get to keep it.
Definitely cute!
You must have a good relationship with the UPS person for them to give you a surprise. Interested in what it will be.
hi Shamy, i finks u r boo-ti-ful so sof 'n grey. did u likes ur fev-vers? i gotted some too and luvs 'em...KC
Yes, Shamy you sure are a cutie. Hope you have a big surprise when Jarrett comes to your door in the big brown truck. Have fun!!
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