Hi eferyonez! We hopez youz all had a wonderful weekendz. We had a halfway quiet one, except some kitty peed on the older two legged kids bed. Meowmzie hasn't figured out who it was yet, but we didn't get any treats due to it. The kid and the dadz finks it was me or Precious, but we'z are not snitching on any of us, hehe. meowmzie finks there was already a funny smell on there that would cause one of us to do that. they finks we are being spitefull kitties. So what do youz finks? Are we being spitefull, or just marking our area? I almost fur gots TJ kinda broke meowmzie wooded kittys and she had to glue themz back together. Well the head of the one atleast. She was happy about this eitherz. Anyways, I was taking a nappie in our basket and meowmzie fought I looked cute so she took my pic-fer. Well.....it is stinky goodness time here, a lil behind but we will furgives her fur that. Purrss..Siamia
P.S.... Marley would youz likez to come snuggles with me this coming up weekend?