Yesh, the ofhers finally gave me a chance to use our bloggie again. I knowz yesterday Sia had her week over view, which was avery good onez if I may say. I was being the kitty bum that I am entitled to be, because my meowmize says I can be, hehe, and letz them do all our bloggie stuff. We'll meowmize spent the day withs us, and let the ofherz hang out on our porchie. She was doing the cleany thing with the noisey carpet machine. I wentz into the bedroom and layed in my kitty bed, and chilled on till it wents away. This just in, daddy just got us a new kitty potty box, yippy. Also he gotz us a new table to eat our foodiez on, which is really wonderful new, hehe. Well, I'm offz to take a nappie will chatz with everyonez later. - Taps